Lets Go

Lets Go

Friday, March 10, 2017

Reflection #6

Through the multiple drafts of this second paper I underwent multiple changes in my thoughts about how I should approach its writing and learned how to embed code into blogger to improve the presentation of my post. Going in I poured quite a bit of effort into my rough draft, my thinking behind this is I wanted a strong platform on which to build the drafts. However, since I was satisfied with my rough draft I found it difficult to find places to improve and improve word flow because in my mind it sounded good. What broke that transfection was the proof readings I had done by other students whom I consider to be good writers and they smoothed out a few sections. In addition, I improved the thesis paragraph in the intro to kind of introduce what I was going to talk about while maintaining the philosophy of “Anyone can pick this up and learn/understand”. Also, I’m very grateful to have a working blog and comments because my partner’s suggestion on the inclusion of another literary technique was great. After that I found another and implemented It into the last paragraph and feel like it improved the wealth that my paper had to provide. So with my thesis improved and my body paragraphs buffed up I then learned to embed the actual quote into blogger and I’m proud to say it looks more professional.

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